
Soul Seed Gathering is non-profit organization registered in the US. We hold 501c3 status with our fiscal sponsor Empowerment Works.

We are an earth-based + deep feminine cultural living library, museum and archive.

Based in research, documentary, events and storytelling.

Bringing the deep feminine to historical significance and cultural relevance.

Inviting us all to

Re-weave the broken threads of our indigenous ancestry, and cultural understanding.

Gathering together the stories and evidence not often told in school, recognized in academia, or shown in mainstream media.

For a better sense of who we are, where we come from, and where we can go next.


A leader for Ancient Future Technologies, as we implement our own:

We create a mirror of everything created online in our physical spaces (planting seeds for each member) and vice versa to maintain the balance.

We will build our

Soul Seed House property