
Introducing the Year of the Witch

The subject of the witch is a big one. Like many themes within ‘Herstory’ it opens up infinite rabbit holes, a deep well and never ending web of connections.

These days trying to get an honest look at history you have to wade through a lot of the smokes and mirrors, clouded and distorted perceptions and bias and prejudice that exists with any reference to female power or magic.

It’s important to acknowledge that many of us were not taught about this rich history in school or shown it in mainstream media. If we did hear about witches, they are either a joke, a negative stereotype, based in fantasy or if looked at historically only in reference to the witch trials which ignores the deep history that preceded them.

In new age spirituality there can be more of a focus on the romantic image of old wise women, or young maidens, herbalists and love and light practitioners that ignores the more rich, nuanced and deeper look at this figure.

We know that throughout ‘primitive, indigenous and ancestral societies there were two types of magic, white and black.’

Therefore the superstition or fear didn’t begin solely with the witch trials.

This is understood today within the Amazon rainforest. Many tribes speak of ‘good medicine’ and ‘bad medicine’ and to be wary of those practicing dark magic. Many good shamans are sought out to undo the work of bad ones.

To pretend that women are only good — denies the reality that there are good and bad intentions within all spheres of humanity.

And to be wary of those we seek healing with today regardless of gender, race or lineage.

Then, within modern Wicca a lot of knowledge has either been entirely made up, or is based in fantasy re-imagining from fragments of understandings. This can be great to engage and practice if it suits someone but can also confuse the understanding of real historical fact and interpretation — with which there is a lot to draw upon.

A lot of people repeat pieces of information as if it were fact and this can blind us from the real depth, truth and power of this history.

When we’re already working against the long held bias prejudice and misogyny found in academia — to know what is true can be difficult to know and understand.

In academia, the witch has been sapped dry of all of her magic, mystery and otherworldly faculties